Sunday, May 2



(this is cookie at 12:25am on Sunday)



yusturduy (lolwut) i went driving. doesn't feel like yesterday when it was less than 12 hours ago.
And so I went driving for the first time. For 90 minty minutes. mint sucks.
and so the first time. and i had to go into a roundabout immediately and there was a truck and i was so scared ahhh
and i speeded. well i went 37 in a 30km zone.
also i went over the double lines because i am terrible at staying in the same lane when turning.
my fastest speed was 57km because i forgot that i was in a car and we were going down a slope.

um. i am going to continue writing up my bio prac. it's so long! like a dinasaur (saur saur SOAR)

ROARberries. That is copyrighted by ME. And I'm going to make a thing out of it. just like how BEP are BEEES.

go read my blog kthxbai

Wednesday, March 31

Drinking Kills Driving Skills

Everyone knows that I have my Ls and that I'm very proud of them. Well, at least all the people who read this blog know that. Which is very few, but that's ok... we're like the Glee club... we'll get popular soon... I don't know how to end this line of thought...


It's all really exciting at first. I mean, driving is pretty cool. And I love filling out my logbook, and writing out the odometer reading, and being a law abiding citizen.

But the things is, after a while, i.e. 25 hours of driving, its get a tad boring to go with your parents all the time, hissing instructions in your ear. And I'm not allowed to play music, because my Dad says so, and I have go at at least 5 km below the speed limit, and obviously never over 80. So I'm quite frustrated, and it's pretty tense, and driving is actually quite hard...

Which is why of course now I can't wait to get my Ps. Two /Three years ago you only needed to do 50 hours as a learner before you could get your Ps. And now they've bumped that up to 120 hours. So I'm feeling quite frustrated and everything.

But that just reminds me of something my Dad keeps saying as we drive around:
"You're behind the wheel of a killing machine! This is not for entertainment. We are NOT going to play any music."

And although I let out an involuntary snort, I know he isn't being paranoid.

In the news just the day before was a story about a 21 year old boy, who was drunk, and had stolen some car, along with his 18-year-old girlfriend and was being chased by the police. He sped through one red light and the police was forced to stop because of the incoming traffic. Unaware that the police had stopped chasing him, he sped through another red light.

At that intersection, his car collided with another car, containing a family of five. Three of the passengers died instantly. The 21-year-old was taken to hospital, and he died there. The girl who was with him was severely injured, and she can't walk anymore.

Was it worth it? That few minutes of thrill?

Yeah everyone hears about this kind of thing all the time. There are plenty of cases. But really, I'm glad the compulsory learner hours have been more than doubled. No, it might not be able to prevent some reckless lunatic from speeding through the streets, but it'll help to discipline the P-platers - gain more awareness as an L driver before you go independently.

Moral of the story? Probably just my dad's cliched advice: "You are behind the wheel of a KILLER MACHINE."

Sunday, March 28

The Epic Exam Cram Coalition

This should be a thing.

Thursday, March 11


Somehow we both decided to check out this blog at the same time. =D
Write something here and save the draft if you see this.


Sup bitches. I've got chocolate all in my shizz.


Hey Aaron.

Except this time you aren't on the blog at the same time as me. So there's no amazing coincidence to celebrate.

Give me a reason to live. (Just joking, I'm not emo)

Actually that previous line just reminded me of the following:




Give me reason, Aaron, give me reason.


A post after one and a half months

This blog cannot die.

I'd just come on to look up the HDI rank of China for my HSC Economics exam, went on my gmail account, somehow ended up here and decided to post.

Yeah, I'm one of the unfortunate Baulko year 11 students who do accelerated economics, and haven't prepared for any of my other exams which are a week after Eco. And Eco is on Monday.

Honestly, it isn't that big of a deal. I've always stressed about the subject, but I think about it, and it's really just ONE subject. And a relatively easy one, at that. Yeah I gotta bit of memorising to do, but otherwise it's pretty much in the bag. And yeah, the word HSC freaks me out slightly but that's just because everyoneelse who does accelerated economics likes to parade around about how impossible their life is, and how they're going to get owned by the exam, and yet they all have their notes done and can recite statistics from the top of their head. But no, there's got to be panic, and things have to be blown out of proportion. Okay, not everyone is like that. But a lot of them are, so I prefer spending my lunchtimes with people who aren't doing the exam so I don't have a panic attack. I'm complimenting Sneha, Cynthia, Aaron and Sean and Emma Grey (Gray?) here.

Well, I realise economics is a boring thing to talk about. It's also pretty much a rant about my problems. So moving on.

The Nanny. It's funny, I guess. I love Niles and C. C. Babcock. But overall, it's kind of... cliche. Some characters are plain annoying and never funny, like Val. Typically blonde, impossibly stupid, and has nothing to do with anything. Fran Fine, well, the jokes get overdone i.e. we know she super materialistic, and connects everything to the fact that she's Jewish, and that she lies about her age and salary. And her mum - sheesh, we know she loves eating!!! And Niles hates his bloss ladida.

But whatever. I love the show, because noone cannot. The theme song is permanently in my head. I haven't been able to decipher the lyrics. I can't stand Mr. Sheffield and Ms. Fine as a couple, because Fran is wayyy to desperate for my liking, but it's still cute. I think I may have liked them more together if they didn't end up married by the end of it.

That's how I've always felt about Seinfeld. Elaine and Jerry. Nothing ever worked out, so it just left me liking them as a couple.

On that note (of "never working out") I better get back to work.

Saturday, February 6

The Human Condition

I hate you all. Mainly because I feel sick.

Here, have my English homework.

The human condition basically covers the entire experience of being human. It branches out into five main categories: desires, needs, emotional/psychological responses, “checks & balances” (the good and the bad), and most importantly, the life stages and their associated experiences. These life/stages are: birth, childhood, education, adolescence, love, aging, and death. They are universal. The human condition basically describes everything.

Translation of the above:

The human condition is a small piece of faecal matter that is lost in space time. It is EVERYTHING and nothing at the same time. It is basically, what makes up a human being's life story. And it does not deserve an English assessment.

OH LOOK A BLOG POST. [That should have been the title]

Friday, January 15

We died it seems in two days

Thursday, January 14

Much Ado About Something

DISCLAIMER: This post is completely non-serious, although it is so well written that you wouldn't be able to tell that I'm NOT an angsty, self-depreciating teenager if it weren't for this disclaimer. *ahem* thank you very much, Cookie. So anyway, moving on.

Alright then, I have absolutely no idea what to write here. What the hell do you write about in a group blog? If I write about myself it will look ego-centric and if I write about anything else I will probably look like an idiot. Here's a little email I wrote in 2005...
I have a problem downloading music - it just streams it rather than downloading it. Which means...I can't save it to the hard drive! Aaaaargg! It's so annoying! I'm begging you for help! And while you're here, I configured RealPlayer to be the default player for almost all everyday media, but now that I've used it often, I've found out how annoying it is - it takes forever to load! It says it's 'connecting' and then it says it's 'communicating' - which it takes forever to do! The trouble is, I've forgotten how to reconfigure the default media player. Like I said earlier, I desperately need your help! I am very grateful to you for your help.
Ok, I'm probably overreacting a little...after all, this was written in 2005. How about a picture of Owen as Charlie Chaplin and Bryan looking like a cardboard cutout from 2008's Spring Fair? Here's how the comments go.

Zoe Moorman
Zoe Moorman
The best picture taken at spring fair.

Including all the creepy Yoosung ones.
24 November 2008 at 17:08
Ihita Maitra
Ihita Maitra
hahahah. bryan. u hot one.
24 November 2008 at 17:46
Aaron Cornelius
24 November 2008 at 20:20 · 
Owen Forbes
Owen Forbes
Why did Aaron just chime in? With "zing"?

There was nothing zing-y at all.

Aaron, you are terrible at Facebook. 

Also, nice Charlie Brown tonight

24 November 2008 at 20:52

Zoe Moorman
24 November 2008 at 21:00

Zoe Moorman
Zoe Moorman
Entire convo is now void.
24 November 2008 at 21:35
Aaron Cornelius
Aaron Cornelius
forget i ever said zing, ok?
24 November 2008 at 22:25 · 

Now, you've got to wonder, why am I embarrassing myself by posting this? Well, because I have nothing better to post. You could almost wonder if I write crap like this just to get a laugh. Well.....

Hypthesis: Everyone fabricated their results.
Results: Everyone fabricated their results.

This result may be fabricated.

Case closed. XD
Oh, and just for the record, I refuse to write with a code name.

Wednesday, January 13


And a vision of you standing out in the crowd
- song that I forgot the name to

Since I have recently (as in yesterday recently) gotten contacts for my eyes, it has been a whole new experience for my eyes which are used to the comfort and confine of glasses. Yesterday I wore them for about 8 hours and today about IDK, whenever I feel like taking them out. Yesterday I didn't actually see much because right after I got them, my mother and I continued to daze around in a mall claiming to be the land of stocks (you know like chicken). That should be the slogan of something. "You know like chicken". Anyway, so I looked around my street. And holy crap, everything is so bright and green and big and people are big (exclude my mother) and whoa.

My dad's reaction when he picked me from tutoring: What happened to your glasses? (with furled brows)
Me: Contacts
My dad: (remembering what happened yesterday) Oh. Your face looks weird.

Your face looks weird.

:D I love my dad.


this blog is useful because I can write crap about my life rather than forget about it for my personal blog because I have a rule that I shouldn't blog more than once a day on the personal blog.

Cats represent women?

In my head all I can hear is Thumbalina's shrieks as she reads out N.'s post over and over again to me. It is painful. You hurt me Thumbalina >:)


Putting in contacts: (A POV)
Just go in!
It won't go in
Stupid finger
Why is it blue?
My hands are wet.
Ahh! Is it dirty now?
Why won't you stay open?
Oh God, It feels funny.
Whoa, I'm high.

A daily dosage of sexual innuendoes?
Considering I'm the one that came up with the idea for this group blog, maybe it's time I gave some input.

I think I'll explain the title, "Two and a half holes". I was actually intending it for a group blog involving just Quack, Cookie and me. "Two and a Half Holes" was really referring to the fact that Cookie and Quack actually belonged to the Hole, they founded it, and I was the "half hole" because I just hang out there now.

And of course being half a hole is like being "kinda pregnant" (quoting economics teacher). You either are or you aren't. The "Two and a Half Men" reference doesn't really fit, but it's there. And now the title make even less sense because there's 6 members. To top it off, our hangout spot doesn't even resemble a hole, according to me at least. It's all very random at the moment.
Group blogs naturally tend to be more disorganised than personal ones, albeit more interesting. Except I usually end up spending half the time trying to figure out the codenames of the the people who post. I forget where I was going with this.

On a side note, my grandfather just entered the room, looked at the monitor, said "Two and a Half Holes? hmmm," and then left.

I remember. Our group blog, like most others from our school, consists of people who belong to the same group. One requirement of being a member of the "Two and a Half Holes" blog is having a personal blog as well. I haven't started mine yet, so I technically shouldn't be posting. I'll do it tomorrow.

Also on my iGoogle homepage, I added a gadget called "Joke of the day". Here's todays:
"Yo mama so fat when her beeper goes off people thought she was backing up".

I snorted with pity and then removed the gadget. But I think I should mention yesterday's joke while I'm on the topic. It might make you cry.
"What do frogs drink? Croka Cola." You'd think I would've removed the gadget as soon as I read the joke yesterday itself, but I decided to give it one more chance to impress me.

I can't be bothered to tell you to fear me.

Speaking of fear, Sue Sylvester (from Glee) is... awesome. The word "awesome" is overused nowadays, but if I am going to use it, it will have to be in relation to her. I'll end this post with a quote from her.

"I never wanted kids... don't have the time, don't have the uterus."




(Just kidding, I was never a cat person).

I am more fearsome than Loki.

Fear me.
So I'm sitting here, trying to make a configuration program, when some crazy lady who most likely owns too many cat's sends me no less than four of the same hyperlink to this blog.
Immediately I am offered the chance to make inhumorous packets of information available to a general public who probably has something better to do.

Hello world, I am Loki.
Fear me.

In the Beginning...

there was darkness... But then!


-insert The Big Bang Theory theme song-

Welcome to Two and a Half Holes, a blog intended for the normalities and extremities of social interaction. Um, whatever. We're four friends who all have some form of blogging experience and who don't really have much in common.


I'm not really sure what I'm meant to type here because I was nominated to the prestigious position of being the first to post on this blog because I am "interesting" and since I have very recently been overseas, I "would have something to talk about". But first, I should probably explain why the blog title is different to the actual URL.

Us four are part of a secret organisation at a location only referred to as "The Hole". The organisation is so secret that it was probably made up 30 seconds ago. I mean, who's to say that it wasn't >:). The name "Two and a Half Holes" was to be the name of a blog for three of the current members if they were ever to create a group blog. "Two and a Half?" you may or may not ask to yourself. It's because two of those three people are full members and the other one is a new member and thus only a half hole. "So why are there four contributors to this blog?" you also may or may not ask to yourself. That is because I thought just three people was too small and I wanted The Drunken Sailor and someone else to join. That someone else declined but the Drunken Sailor readily accepted. Yay! Ya'll join, 'kay? [IQ reduced]


My trip to Asia:
I went to China (Beijing and Shanghai) and Thailand (Bangkok and Phuket) with a one day stop at Hong Kong (I'm not sure if it is a part of China or it is independent). It was fun, I guess. Seventeen days with my parents. That is probably the longest time I have ever spent with both of them ever in the course of my apparently young life. Since I haven't talked about the trip on my blog, I see no point in talking about it here.


The members:

Cookie Dough
The Drunken Sailor
Thumbalina/Burger (I am unsure of what nickname this person wants)

Um, pants? :D