Thursday, January 14

Much Ado About Something

DISCLAIMER: This post is completely non-serious, although it is so well written that you wouldn't be able to tell that I'm NOT an angsty, self-depreciating teenager if it weren't for this disclaimer. *ahem* thank you very much, Cookie. So anyway, moving on.

Alright then, I have absolutely no idea what to write here. What the hell do you write about in a group blog? If I write about myself it will look ego-centric and if I write about anything else I will probably look like an idiot. Here's a little email I wrote in 2005...
I have a problem downloading music - it just streams it rather than downloading it. Which means...I can't save it to the hard drive! Aaaaargg! It's so annoying! I'm begging you for help! And while you're here, I configured RealPlayer to be the default player for almost all everyday media, but now that I've used it often, I've found out how annoying it is - it takes forever to load! It says it's 'connecting' and then it says it's 'communicating' - which it takes forever to do! The trouble is, I've forgotten how to reconfigure the default media player. Like I said earlier, I desperately need your help! I am very grateful to you for your help.
Ok, I'm probably overreacting a little...after all, this was written in 2005. How about a picture of Owen as Charlie Chaplin and Bryan looking like a cardboard cutout from 2008's Spring Fair? Here's how the comments go.

Zoe Moorman
Zoe Moorman
The best picture taken at spring fair.

Including all the creepy Yoosung ones.
24 November 2008 at 17:08
Ihita Maitra
Ihita Maitra
hahahah. bryan. u hot one.
24 November 2008 at 17:46
Aaron Cornelius
24 November 2008 at 20:20 · 
Owen Forbes
Owen Forbes
Why did Aaron just chime in? With "zing"?

There was nothing zing-y at all.

Aaron, you are terrible at Facebook. 

Also, nice Charlie Brown tonight

24 November 2008 at 20:52

Zoe Moorman
24 November 2008 at 21:00

Zoe Moorman
Zoe Moorman
Entire convo is now void.
24 November 2008 at 21:35
Aaron Cornelius
Aaron Cornelius
forget i ever said zing, ok?
24 November 2008 at 22:25 · 

Now, you've got to wonder, why am I embarrassing myself by posting this? Well, because I have nothing better to post. You could almost wonder if I write crap like this just to get a laugh. Well.....

Hypthesis: Everyone fabricated their results.
Results: Everyone fabricated their results.

This result may be fabricated.

Case closed. XD
Oh, and just for the record, I refuse to write with a code name.

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