Sunday, May 2



(this is cookie at 12:25am on Sunday)



yusturduy (lolwut) i went driving. doesn't feel like yesterday when it was less than 12 hours ago.
And so I went driving for the first time. For 90 minty minutes. mint sucks.
and so the first time. and i had to go into a roundabout immediately and there was a truck and i was so scared ahhh
and i speeded. well i went 37 in a 30km zone.
also i went over the double lines because i am terrible at staying in the same lane when turning.
my fastest speed was 57km because i forgot that i was in a car and we were going down a slope.

um. i am going to continue writing up my bio prac. it's so long! like a dinasaur (saur saur SOAR)

ROARberries. That is copyrighted by ME. And I'm going to make a thing out of it. just like how BEP are BEEES.

go read my blog kthxbai

1 responses:

Assassin said...

U have a great blogging acumen..I liked this very much keep posting
by the way the link to my blog is

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